Page proofs for my new book, Long Live Queer Nightlife (Princeton), have arrived. How did the global closure of gay bars revolutionize underground nightlife scenes? The book comes out March 2024. Sign up with Princeton to be notified when preorders are available. See you on the dancefloor!
Theory and Society
My new article is out! Andy Holmes and I examine coming out of the closet, and how sexuality provides symbolic resources–“distinguishing but not defining”–in the service of crafting a modern sexual self. New in Theory and Society.
Contexts Q&A
Read an interview with Seth Abrutyn and me that we jointly gave to UBC Sociology about our new roles as co-editors of Contexts magazine.
Co-Editor of Contexts Magazine
I am delighted to have been appointed as Co-Editor (with Dr. Seth Abrutyn) of Contexts, the public-facing magazine of the American Sociological Association. Our term officially begins January 1, 2023. This is the first time that the magazine will be based in Canada. It will bring tremendous visibility for UBC Sociology, and incomparable professional opportunities for our graduate students.
SSHRC and CIHR Grants
I am involved in two different interdisciplinary, multi-institutional research teams, both of which have successfully secured major research grants. The first project, an Insight Grant funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, is for “Understanding Decisions to Seek Conversion Therapy in Canada” ($143,125, PI: Dr. Travis Salway). The second project, an Operating Grant funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, is for “Displacement and the Health of People Living with HIV” ($447,136, PI: Dr. Rodney Knight).
Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities
I have been successfully renewed for a second term as a Canada Research Chair in Urban Sexualities. Fifteen UBC researchers were appointed as new and renewed CRCs in the most recent round of the competition.
As stated on the announcement from UBC, the Canada Research Chairs Program is among the highest research designations in the country. It enables Canadian universities to achieve research excellence and become world-class research centres. Chairholders improve our depth of knowledge and quality of life, strengthen Canada’s international competitiveness, and help train the next generation of scholars. There are very few scholars from the Arts in this most recent round of the competition, which makes me that much more grateful for the recognition.