I received a letter from the President of UBC informing me that I have been promoted to a full professor. President Ono writes, “It gives me great pleasure to inform you that I have reviewed your dossier and have determined that you will be promoted to the rank of Professor, effective July 1, 2019. I congratulate you most warmly on your achievements.”
For articles previous to 2017, please visit my news archives.
New Video on Cultural Archipelagos
I have produced a video to correspond to my new research on “Cultural Archipelagos,” the trend of queer spaces becoming more diverse and more plural. The video is available on the main page of City & Community and on Vimeo as well.
Special Symposium in City & Community
I am the lead essay in a special symposium on “Queer Urbanisms” that was recently published in City & Community, the official journal of the community and urban sociology section of the ASA. My piece is entitled “Cultural Archipelagos: New Directions for the Study of Sexuality and Space.” I invited four leading scholars to respond to my essay: Theo Greene (Bowdoin), Petra Doan (Florida State), Japonica Brown-Saracino (Boston), and Hector Carrillo (Northwestern). The entire symposium is available for free access.
Killam Research Prize
I am delighted to announce that I have been awarded a Killam Research Prize for “outstanding research and scholarly contributions.” It is one of the highest research awards given to faculty across all departments and all disciplines at the university. Winners are selected by the Faculty Research Award Committee, which spans arts and humanities, business, applied science, science, and medicine at UBC. See the announcement from sociology here.
British Journal of Sociology
My latest book, Sex Cultures, was recently reviewed in the British Journal of Sociology. Eric Anderson from the University of Winchester writes, “In Sex Cultures, sociologist Amin Ghaziani provides a smart, engaging and accessible introduction to thinking about sex in society. He begins with the premise that sexuality is the sum of ‘sex plus culture’, and proceeds to advocate propositions about the cultural expressions and analysis of sexuality that will resonate with a wide range of scholars. Drawing on a canon of scholarship from the social sciences and the humanities, along with a creative strategy of using an international set of ‘case studies’ to breathe life into those respective theories, he places culture in the driver’s seat and thus at the centre of the production of sexuality…[A] well-written, well-evidenced, and scintillating account.”
The Conversation
My three graduate students and I co-authored an essay in The Conversation about the emergence of “queer pop-ups,” or ephemeral community spaces that challenge arguments about the decline of queer sociality in North America. Our essay is entitled, “Queer Pop-Ups Take Us Beyond the Gayborhood.” Click here to read it.